July 8, 2019

Should You Play Music To Your Dog? There's One Thing To Consider Before Turning On The Radio

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Should You Play Music To Your Dog? There's One Thing To Consider Before Turning On The Radio
Source: https://www.bustle.com/p/should-you-play-music-to-your-dog-theres-one-thing-to-consider-before-turning-on-the-radio-18171890
Music is super good for purposes of relaxation, escape, and of course a good boogie. I mean who doesn't love blasting the tunes? And lots of people leave some music and/or radio on when they go out because they feel that it might be good for security. Or, even better, that it might be good for their little dogs. I know right? Can’t you just imagine a sweet baby angel dancing around your kitchen, singing along. However guys, should you play music to your dog?
I spoke to dog behavioral expert Sharon Jennings of The Office Dog, who knows all about what to do to keep your pooch happy as Larry. Because of this, she is just the person to ask about whether your little mate fancies some tunes or not.
Jennings tells me it's fine to play music or the radio to your dog, but there is a catch. "Radio can be good as long as there isn't too much human voice on it," she says. "So talkback radio is a no no."
OK, so probably not best to stick on anything with a load of people calling in and shouting about nonsense. Which is fair enough, I guess. I mean, I wouldn't be so keen on it either.
Jennings also pointed me towards some pretty cool research that I didn't even know existed. This research pointed to dogs being big fans of Reggae and Soft Rock. Shut the front door, put a fork in me, I'm DONE. I'll be damned that is the funniest thing I have heard all week. Your dog may be tolerating you and whatever you are listening to but, real talk, they are just waiting for you to give them the good stuff. Reggae and Rock.
The study, titled The Effect Of Different Genres Of Music On The Stress Levels Of Kennelled Dogs, was carried out by the Scottish SPCA. After trialling lots of different genres including, Motown, Pop, and Classical, as well as Soft Rock and Reggae, it appeared the music that calmed dogs down the most are the latter two. As the study explains:
"Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was significantly higher, indicative of decreased stress, when dogs were played Soft Rock and Reggae, with a lesser effect observed when Motown, Pop and Classical genres were played."
And, did you know that there are actually a production company that actually specialises in making music for your dog's needs? Yes, Relax My Dog, which was founded back in 2011 by entrepreneur Amman Ahmed and producer Ricardo Henriquez, is the absolute one for dog chill time. Speaking to the Guardian about the service, Ahmed described their thinking behind the project:
"There are a lot of medications and herbal remedies to calm pets, but I wanted to make something that was 100 percent natural, through music. We started with a team of two but now we're 12 people staffed in Manchester in the UK, El Salvador and India, and our audience is equally global. This year, we’re on track for our content to help around 15 million pets."
Guys I'm not being funny, this doesn't only relax your doggy but will relax you too.
So there you go! Chuck on a bit of Bob Marley and watch your happy pooch relax and unwind.

Haruskah Anda Memainkan Musik Untuk Anjing Anda? Ada Satu Hal Yang Perlu Dipertimbangkan Sebelum Menyalakan Radio
Musik sangat bagus untuk bersantai, melarikan diri, dan tentu saja untuk berpesta. Maksud saya, siapa yang tidak suka memaikan lagu? Dan banyak orang memainkan music dan/atau radio saat mereka berpergian karena mereka merasa aman. Atau, bahkan lebih baik, itu mungkin baik untuk anjing kecil mereka. Hebatkan? Tidak dapatkah kamu bayangkan bahwa anjing kesayangan anda yang manis menari-nari di dapur Anda, bernyanyi bersama. Namun teman-teman, haruskah Anda memainkan music untuk anjing Anda?
Saya berbicara dengan pakar perilaku anjing, Sharon Jennings, dari The Office Dog, yang tahu semua tentang apa yang harus anda lakukan untuk membuat anjing Anda bahagia seperti larry. Karena itu, dia hanya orang yang bertanya apakah teman kecilmu menyukai lagu atau tidak.
Jennings memberi tahu saya bahwa memainkan music atau radio tidak apa-apa untuk anjing Anda, tapi ada syaratnya. “Radio bisa bagus selama tidak terlalu banyak suara manusia di dalamnya,” katanya. “Jadi, komentar balik radio adalah tidak pas.”
Oke, jadi mungkin tidak yang terbaik pada apapun dengan banyak orang berbicara atau berteriak tentang omong kosong. Kurasa cukup adil. Maksudku, aku juga tidak akan tertarik.
Jennings juga mengarahkan saya ke beberapa penelitian keren bahkan tidak saya ketahui bahwa ada. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anjing merupakan pengemar berat jenis music Raggae atau Soft Rock. Astaga, sungguh menarik. Menurut saya itu adalah hal yang terlucu yang saya dengar selama seminggu ini. Anjing Anda mungkin mentolerir Anda dan apapun yang Anda mainkan, tapi berikan mereka jenis musik yang baik. Reggae dan Rock.
Penelitian yang berjudul Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Musik Terhadap TIngkap Stres Anjing-Anjing Kandang dilakukan oleh SPCA Skoltandia. Setelah menguji coba banyak jenis music yang berbeda seperti Motown, Pop, dan Klasik, serta Soft Rock dan Reggae, ternyata music yang paling dinikmati anjing adalah yang terakhir. Seperti yang dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini:
“Variabilitas Denyut Jantung (HRV) secara signifikan lebih tinggi, menunjukkan penurunan stes, ketika anjing dimainkan Soft Rock dan Reggae, dibandingan dengan jenis music Motown, Pop dan Klasik.”
Dan, taukah Anda bahwa sebenarnya ada perusahaan produksi yang berspesialisasi membuat musik untuk anjing Anda? Ya, ada. Relax My Dog, didirikan kembali pada tahun 2011 oleh pengusaha Amman Ahmed dan produser Ricardo Henriquez, adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk anjing Anda bersantai. Berbicara kepada The Guardian mengenai layanan ini, Ahmed menggambarkan pemikiran mereka dibalik proyek ini:
“Ada banyak obat dan obat-obatan herbal untuk menenangkan binatang peliharaan, tapi saya ingin membuat sesuatu yang 100 alami, yaitu melalui music. Kami mulai dengan tim yang terdiri dari 2 orang, tapi sekarang kami memiliki 12 staf di Manchester, El Salvador, dan India, dan kami ingin mendunia. Tahun ini, kami berada di jalur yang tepat untuk konten kami yang membantu sekitar 15 juta hewan peliharaan.”
Pembaca, saya tidak bercanda, tapi ini tidak hanya membuat Anda santai tapi juga membuat anjing Anda bersantai.
Jadi begitulah. Coba putarkan lagu Bob Marley dan lihat anjing Anda yang bersantai dan beristirahat.

July 3, 2019

Stop Victim Blaming: Pakaian Tidak Menjadi Faktor Utama

Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa pelecehan seksual kerap terjadi karena perempuan mengenakan pakaian yang ketat dan terbuka.
Putri (20 tahun) hendak pulang ke rumahnya menggunakan Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL). Pada hari itu, Putri yang mengenakan pakaian yang tidak ketat, duduk di gerbong campuran dan kemudian ada seorang bapak paruh baya duduk disebelahnya.
Bapak tersebut memulai percakapan dengan bertanya seputar keseharian Putri. Dia menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dilontarkan kepadanya karena untuk menghormati orang yang lebih tua darinya.
“Tapi karena saya capek jawab pertanyaannya, saya pun pura-pura tidur,” kata Putri menambahkan.
Namun, usaha bapak itu tidak terhenti begitu saja. Dia pun mulai membangunkan Putri secara paksa, yaitu dengan menyentuh lengannya. Merasa terganggu Putri pun meminta bapak itu untuk tidak mengganggunya dengan beralasan bahwa dia akan segera turun di stasiun berikutnya.
“Saya merasa takut saat itu. Saya ingin menangis. Saya melihat sekitar saya tetapi tidak seorang pun yang membantu saya. Saya sempat melirik ibu-ibu disebrang saya tapi dia hanya menghiraukan saya, dan untungnya petugas gerbong datang menghampiri saya” ujar Putri.
Pelaku pun pergi meninggalkan korbannya di stasiun berikutnya saat petugas gerbong kereta. 
Pelecehan seksual tidak hanya terjadi pada perempuan saja, tetapi juga terjadi pada laki-laki. Pada tahun 2010, Ilham mengalami cedera saat bermain bola dengan teman-temannya dan kedua orang-tua Ilham membawanya ke tukang pijit terdekat.
“Saat mengalami cedera, saya langsung dibawa ke tukang pijit dekat rumah. Jadi masih pakai baju santai; kaos dan celana pendek” kata Ilham.
Dia merasakan bahwa gerak-gerik ibu itu agak aneh.
“Dia sempat menayakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menurut saya agak awkward untuk ditanyakan. Pertanyaannya agak berbau seks gitu.”
Tiba-tiba saat dipijat, Ilham merasakan alat vitalnya dipegang oleh ibu tersebut. Dia sempat bertanya dan menyuruh ibu itu berhenti, tapi dia bilang itu hal yang wajar untuk menyembuhkan cedera.
“Saya tahu itu salah”, ujar Ilham, “tapi saya juga takut untuk bilang ‘jangan’”.
Berdasarkan dua kasus di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelecehan seksual tidak terjadi hanya karena pakaian yang dikenakan korban dan perlu diketahui, wanita atau laki-laki yang mengenakan pakaian sopan pun kerap mendapatkan godaan atau pelecehan seksual. Seharusnya, cara pandang akan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dan pakaian yang dikenakan harus dihilangkan.

Translation Processs

The translation process is the procedure / steps / order of technical devices used to transfer the meaning of a text in one language into a text in another language without removing the meaning.

It can be described as: decoding the meaning of the source text, and re-coding this meaning in the target language.

Behind this simple process lies various activities like:

1. Checking grammar,
2. Syntax,
3. Idioms,
4. Semantics, and
5. Culture of its speakers.

Translation Process

Translation is the process to transfer written or spoken source language (SL) texts to equivalent written or spoken targeted language (TL) texts.

The basic purpose of translation is to reproduce various types of texts, comprising literary, religious, scientific, philosophical texts, etc. in another language and making them available to wider readers and to bring the world closer.

Translation covers not only word for word translation but also many factors, which are:

1. Cultural differences
2. Form
3. Style
4. Meaning
5. Proverbs
6. Idioms, etc.

The bigger the gap between the source language (SL) and the target language (TL), the more difficult the process of transfer will be. 

Translation processes are:

1. Understanding the general idea & message of the text
2. Find out the equivalence in target language and arrange them in the most natural structural patterns in target language.
3. Re-read and evaluate

Nida and Taber (1969) divide the procedure of translation process in three steps:

1. Understanding the meaning / message
2. Transferring the analyzed messages
3. Restructuring the equivalent meaning.

Kesimpulan Makna Pidato “I Have A Dream” oleh Martin Luther King Jr.

Pidato “I Have A Dream” yang disampaikan oleh pemimpin Penggerakan Hak Sipil atau dikenal juga dengan African-American Civil Rights Movement; Martin Luther King Jr. adalah salah satu pidato yang paling mengesankan dalam sejarah Amerika. 

Pidato ini disampaikan pada bulan Maret tahun 1963 di Washington D.C. Isi utama dari pidato itu adalah mengenai persamaan hak dan kebebasan yang dimimpikan oleh warga Afrika-Amerika. Pada saat itu, Amerika memiliki tingkat diskriminasi ras sosial yang cukup tinggi. Tidak jarang warga yang “berwarna” mendapatkan tindakan kurang humanis.
Terdapat 5 isu yang ditemukan di pidato King, yang pertama adalah mengenai Police Brutality yang terdapat pada:

“We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality”

Kedua adalah mengenai segregasi yang ditemukan pada kutipan berikut:

“We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: ‘For Whites Only’”.

Ketiga adalah mengenai hak memberikan suara atau voting yang ditemukan pada:

“We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote.”

Keempat adalah mengenai ketidakadilan ekonomi yang ditemukan pada:

“We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro’s basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.”

Isu terakhir dapat ditemukan saat klimaks pidato yang menggunakan frasa “I have a dream” dengan mencantumkan anaknya sendiri pada pidatonya dan ketidakadilan yang dihadapi anak-anaknya, yaitu adalah mengenai prasangka rasial atau Racial Prejudice:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Selain menggunakan banyak pengulangan frasa “I have a dream”, King juga menyantumkan beberapa nama wilayah di Amerika (Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado, California, Georgia, dan Tennessee) dimana King berhasil, dengan menyatakan refrensi dari bagian Utara hingga Selatan Amerika, untuk memastikan bahwa kebebasan perlu “berdering” dipenjuru daerah Amerika. Selain itu, King juga ingin menjelaskan bahwa ketidakadilan bukan hanya ada di bagian Selatan tapi juga di Utara.

Pada bagian penutup, King menjelaskan bahwa “mimpi”nya tidak hanya untuk satu kaum saja, melainkan berdasarkan impian orang-orang dai semua ras dan agama yang bekerja sama untuk merealisasikan cita-cita itu dan memastikan bahwa hak-hak itu berlaku bagi semua orang:

When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hads and sing in the words of that old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!”

SOCIOLINGUISTIC: Summary of Politeness (Ronald Wardhaugh)

We can show our feelings and awareness toward others through politeness which we use in language.

Janet Holmes in her book An Introduction to Sociolinguistics (1992, p. 296) states that politeness involves taking account of other people’s feeling in order to make themselves feels comfortable.

Politeness itself is socially prescribed. This doesn’t mean that we must be always polite. We may be impolite in several occasion, this act depends on the existence of standards and norms.

When we interact with others we must be aware of both kinds of face and therefore have a choice of two kinds of politeness:
  • Positive politeness leads to achieve solidarity through offers of friendship, the use of compliments, and informal language. Treat others as friends and allies and never threaten their face.
  • Negative politeness leads to deference, apologizing, indirectness, and formality in language we use.

In communication, we are obliged to respect ourselves and the other participant each time we interact with others, we have to carefully show our ‘face’ in order to avoid mini-drama (Goffman: 1955: 1967).

What is ‘face’?

Face according to Brown and Levinson (1987, p. 61) is a public self-image that everyone wants to claim for themselves. There are two kinds of ‘face’, which are positive face and negative face.

·     Positive face is defined as personal desire of a person that their personality is appreciated by their social groups. It leads to the appreciation of individual achievement. For instance, a painter artist such as Van Gogh wants other people’s appreciation of their paintings.

  • On the other hand, negative face describes the basic personal rights and freedom of action in an individual. Someone’s negative face can represent as a threat towards the other individual’s rights such as, not to be interrupted by other while speaking during presentation.

Symmetric pronominal use is a good example of positive politeness and asymmetric T/V use of negative politeness. This approach to politeness has quite revealing when applied to many Western societies. It may also not work so well in other cultures, for example: Javanese.

Some languages seem to have built into them very complex system of politeness.

1. Javanese is a language in which as Geertz (1960, p. 248) says:
“It is nearly impossible to say anything without indicating the social relationship between the speaker and the listener in terms of status and familiarity”

Before one Javanese speaks to another, they must decide on an appropriate speech style: high, middle, or low.

For example: The equivalent to English word now is samenika in high style, saniki in middle style, and saiki in low style.

You can’t freely shift styles, so the choice of saiki will require the speaker to use arep for the verb equivalent to go rather than adjeng or bade, which would be required by the choices of saniki and samenika, respectively.

2. Japanese
The Japanese are also always described as being an extremely polite people.
Martin (1964) has summarized some of the ways in which the Japanese use language to show this politeness: honorific forms incorporating negatives (analogous to English ‘Wouldn’t you like to . . . ?’) are more polite than those without negatives; the longer the utterance the more polite it is felt to be; Martin says that there are four basic factors at work here: in choosing the proper, or polite, address term for another, a Japanese considers out-groupness, social position, age difference, and gender difference in that order

3. French
According to Vigner (p. 88), this French politeness formula is made up of three components: (1) an initial mitigating component (which can be short, e.g., Pouvezvous, or long, e.g., Est-ce que vous voudriez bien) or its absence; (2) the central request or order component; and (3) a final component, the presence or absence of something like s’il vous plaĆ®t.

Politeness is a very important principle in language use; we must consider others’ feelings. The next chapter will again take up the issue of politeness and try to place it in a still broader context